Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is here!

We are so excited about Christmas this year. The anticipation of not knowing when she is coming has caused us to run around and try to do as much as we can early on. There are so many things going on right now we are just trying to keep it all straight and enjoy this time of it just being the 3 of us. 3 as in Brett, Jackson, and myself... Jackson is soaking up all the attention now and loves to sit on or sooooo close to my tummy. I really believe he knows she is coming!

Brett put up our Christmas lights and I have to say that he did a GREAT job! I love how they look and get us in that Christmas spirit. I'm also thankful he didn't fall off the roof- we've been waiting for a good weekend day that hasn't been to wet!

I love the red and white candy cane columns and how you can see our tree from the street! This is our first "big" tree since this is our first Christmas in our house.

Husband Shout Out

I'm really proud of Brett for all the hard work he has been doing and especially for helping me more around the house and taking care of me! I'm so glad I married him! We can't wait to see the little girl that Christmas and the New Year brings!
Merry Christmas!

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