Ok, I tried to post last night before the candelight service and the computer froze- I saw today most pictures made it on, but I added the last one this morning!
It's finished wtih little time to spare! I'm so happy with the way it turned out! I have to say thank you to Brett, Kathy, Jarrod, Elizabeth, and my mom for their advice and help. Thank you to Anna and Brian for letting us borrow their glider!
I love the butterflies that hang down in the corner. If you notice, there is no name yet above the crib. The paper has been picked out, but the LJ is helping with the letters AFTER she is born!
The armoire is awesome! It holds so much stuff! Ialso added in some decorations from my shower that Tricia gave me.

The changing table was a steal and matches the crib perfectly.

A close up of the corner we will spend many nights in rocking and feeding.

A close up of the shelf above the changing table. Those two really cute babies in the frame are Brett and I when we were little!

Another close up of a frame with her sonogram picture and blessings box we got at a shower.
On the way out we have these two vintage signs posted. :)
Merry Christmas!