Sunday, August 22, 2010

School Fun

Harper has no problem getting up early for school as long as she's had her 11 1/2 hours of sleep! Man, that girl can sleep and I love her for that.

The first day back last week was awesome! From the moment in the parking lot when Harper heard an older child talking she was excited to get into school. She was squealing and pushing me away to go play. My feelings aren't hurt- I'm so thankful for a baby that is independent and wants to discover new things. I took this picture her first day when I dropped her off. She's with Mrs. Rose, her friends, and Mrs. Autumn.

Her best friend in her class is Cohen. Cohen's mommy works with me and they even got to see each other over the summer. They love playing together and it makes me feel even better knowing she's got a friend in her room.

This is the little table where they eat at. We love Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Autumn. Harper hasn't taken full naps yet, but her teachers and I are positive she will soon. She's just too excited to be at school! I have students on Monday and this year I already have a whopping 23 on my class list. Please help pray for patience and that I have enough room in my classroom!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer's coming to an end- sniff sniff!

Harper is 7 1/2 months! :)
She is eating fruits, veggies, rice cereal, and now chicken. She loves green veggies and her mum mum snacks. It's funny to see her trying new foods. She is very patient when eating and eats her dinner with the family like a big girl.

Harper has always loved her playtime mat. Well, she didn't exactly like tummy time, but as soon as she could flip herself over she enjoyed her mat even more.

Harper is trying to crawl. She can push herself up and then she rocks back and forth.

On August 10th mommy realized fast that Harper did not feel good. Harper is never fussy and never had more than a cold, but that day she was uncomfortable because... of her new TOOTH! Mommy felt her new tooth at lunchtime and was so excited. Mommy was so happy! Her tooth feels like a fish's tooth. It's hard to see, but you sure can feel it and see the white poking through. The next two pictures are Harper's tooth smiles.

Much has changed over the summer. Harper can: sit by herself, roll forwards and backwards, eat solid food, give kisses, pick up objects easier, have a fun time in her jumper, play in the nursery at church, play in her play yard, and is trying to pull herself up whenever given the chance. Harper loves: mommy, daddy, Jackson, all her family, Elmo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, her jumper, green veggies, being tickled, singing with mommy, cuddling with daddy, playing with cousin Andrew, taking baths, swimming, and going on vacation.

These past 7 months have flown by and I'm so blessed to have such a sweet baby. She enjoyed being at preschool at the end of last year and I'm so thankful for CDA and her teachers. As the school year starts I'm praying for a kind heart, patience, wisdom, and to be efficient and hard working at school so I can hurry home to love on my baby! We love you Harper Anamarie Sims. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than the day you were born- but our love for you grows and grows young lady!