Last year when it snowed Harper was too young to play in it. This year we had the chance to walk in the snow and let her play in it for a short time. I was cold and ready to go in fast, but Harper had to walk in her dad's footprints. How fun!
Harper had her 1 year checkup with Dr. Lestz and she is happy and healthy. She is 24 pounds and 32.25 inches. Still a very tall girl! The appointment went well and Harper enjoyed it- up until the shots... After the inital shock of the shots she was back to her happy self. Harper is beginning to really walk now, laughing alot, loves to watch Jack's Music Show, and enjoys playing at school. Her favorite thing to do is read (by herself of course), play with Jackson, and organize and re-organize her toys by her standards. She is now riding big girl style in the car because her legs are so long- facing backwards was uncomfortable. Today she loved getting to ride facing forwards. She laughed the whole time and talked to us. I think she was telling us thank you! hehe