Friday, June 4, 2010

School's out for summer!

Harper loves Miss Terrie- Harper always talks and laughs with her!
Harper and Miss Melissa- Harper loves her long hair!
Today was our last work day and Harper's last day at school until next year! I'm so excited about spending the summer with her but we will both miss her teachers. They have made the last few months so much easier for me.
Ya know... I never, ever, ever worried about anything before and now I find myself at night when I feed her getting anxious about the future. I think it was because today at school a bunch of us were talking about the next few years and our growing families and how that will change our "school family".Tonight I started thinking about if I will work when we have our 2nd child, where I would work, what preschool Harper should go to, and then I started getting anxious about when she goes to kindergarten! I had to stop my crazy thoughts and just be still with her and the Lord and ask Him to chill me out and I'll do whatever He wants me to do. I know it's silly, but it's real hard to give up trying to control everything and guessing what the future holds.
But... after Miss H fell asleep
I remembered the pictures I took of her today just before she ate and laughed. I hope you think they are as funny as I do!


1 comment:

Carole said...

that sounds just like me! i completely understand, and still have to remind myself everyday that God's in control, not me:) I can't wait to see Harper in person! She's so dang cute, and I haven't seen her in forever!