Thursday, June 23, 2011

More FL pics

I got some more pictures that Elizabeth had taken on her camera and had to share. Harper is taking her nap right now so I'm able to do another post. Right after lunch I said, "Ready for night night?" Harper responded, "Nigh Nigh Momma." I froze for a moment and tried not to cry (me cry- I know weird) before I told her what a big girl she was and went to lay her down. Love her!
Family Pic in the Pool
Playing in the Pool 
Harper eating a cupcake before dinner at a diner Bret found
On the backyard dock 
This picture really shows how much H liked playing in the sand 
So cute! There was actually water on both sides of the babies because it was a sand shelf. They loved running up and down it. Yeah for the beach. :)

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